Saturday, July 16, 2011

Chimay in costco!!

Wow, look what's selling in costco !!
Looks like there are enough serious beer drinkers (read serious-beer, and not beer-drinker) around :))

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Darmstädter Ratskeller Hausbrauerei

Darmstädter Ratskeller Hausbrauerei

Stayed at the Bockshaut hotel near marktplatz in Darmstadt. The brewery was right next door.
Currently 2 beers being brewed - light and dark. This is the dark. Nice..."FRESH" is the word :))

Friday, June 17, 2011

From last winter ..

ommegang adoration
Found one bottle of ommegang adoration at the "paces bottle shop" nearby and thought it is way too early to start seeing this years brews.

Confirmed with the storekeeper - a little aged bottle from last year - perfect !

Friday, June 10, 2011

Affligem Blond

Affligem Blond

Really liked it. No need to worry about food pairings. Just the beer makes a great dinner :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Oregon Again

A week's trip to Oregon - got the chance to try out a some good beers. first was the black butte porter from deschutes brewery, portland oregon. really good.

Black Butte Porter from Deschutes Brewery, Portland Oregon

the next was spring reign from ninkasi brewery, eugene OR. Very hoppy, and absolutely wonderful.

Spring Reign from Ninkasi Brewing Company

And the Dead Guy Ale from Rogue Ales. Another great beer to end the great week :)

"Dead Guy Amber" from Rogue Ales